5kw solar panel system

5kW Solar Energy System Right For Me?

Is a 5kW solar panel energy system right for me? A solar power system operates on the same basic principles as any other energy-generating system. Solar panels first convert solar energy or sunlight into DC power using what is known as the photovoltaic (PV) effect.  The DC power may then be stored in batteries or converted to AC power, which can power household appliances, using a solar inverter. Depending on the system and its extra energy production capabilities, it may be sent into the electrical grid for credits or stored in batteries for future use.

What is a 5kW Solar Panel System?

The 5kw Solar System is an energy-conversion device that turns solar energy into electricity. It consists of 16 1.6m × 1m solar panels, each capable of producing 320W of power, for a total of 5120W or 5kWh.

The more solar panels that work, the more electricity is generated. Solar cells are interconnected with cables in each panel, and power is generated.

A lot of homeowners save more money since it reduces their power bill by 90%. The daily savings are anticipated to be $4.62. This equates to a $1900 yearly return on investment.

Even with the significant advantages, generating such a return is dependent on factors such as:

  • The solar panels' alignment
  • Cast shadows on the panels
  • A cloudy sky
  • The location
  • Panel operating temperatures, etc.

A 5kW solar system is great for families with at least 1.6 children. In Australia alone, a million households have installed solar panels. A solar panel system might cost anywhere from $5000 and $8000. Despite the high price, there is good value for money and the guarantee of a warranty.

Avoid buying a cheap 5kw Solar System since the power production will be inadequate and you will end up paying more in the long run. Get at least three quotations from local solar contractors and stay away from national firms. Only a few hundred dollars should separate the quotes. Don't try to save money by obtaining an $8000 solar system for half the price of an installation. It's not going to work. The cost of installing a 5kw Solar System varies depending on where you live.

How Much Roof Space is needed for a 5kW Solar Panel System?

A 5kW solar system will typically require roughly 25-35 m2 of roof area. This is determined by the panel's wattage as well as the angle at which it is slanted.

A 300W solar panel, for example, measures roughly 1.6m × 1m. A minimum of 27.2m2 of roof space is required if 17 of them are required for a 5kW system.

What Appliances Can I Run With A 5kW Solar Panel System?

A 5kw Solar System can power a variety of household equipment. It is advised that you use electrical equipment during the day to limit your energy consumption at night. Because of the high power supply, using them at peak hours delivers the best results.

Installing energy-efficient lighting will also help you save money on your energy bills. To avoid electricity waste, these appliances must be turned off whenever they are not in use.

Here are six common household items that can be readily powered by a 5kw solar system:

Washing Machine

Washing machines may save energy, especially when solar energy is used. They aren't one of your solar system's biggest energy hogs, but you still need to utilize them efficiently to get the most out of your electricity. When feasible, use a cold load and only run complete loads.

Use the washing machine and dryer throughout the day when your solar system is producing a lot of electricity. Setting a timer on your machine to come on during peak energy-producing hours is the best way to achieve this.

Water Heaters

This, more than any other appliance, is the highest drainer on your electricity. Because we've become accustomed to utilizing hot water for everything, the systems we've constructed are intended to provide hot water on demand (literally).

We do pay a price for this luxury, since boiling a huge volume of water each day for our requirements consumes a lot of energy.

The average electric water heater consumes 4kw of power per day, which is almost a fifth of the energy produced by your 5kw solar system.

Oven/ cooktop

Ovens use a lot of electricity, much like water heaters. Despite the fact that they are not used on a regular basis in most families. We will frequently use the cooktop for little more than an hour every day, which uses far less energy than the oven.

Television set

A 50-inch plasma television with a typical resolution of 720p will use about 100kw per hour. TVs with higher resolutions and brighter settings will use more power but televisions are still among the lowest power-consuming appliances in your house. If you truly want to save energy, you should consider converting to an LED television. LED displays, like lights, are far more energy-efficient, consuming just approximately 38 Watts per day.


Refrigerators work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to keep our food cool or frozen. If you're operating a newer, energy-efficient machine, they're not a major energy drain.

You'll need to regularly monitor how your 5kw solar system operates with your various appliances once it's installed. If your system is unable to manage the load, you should consider replacing your hot water system and refrigerator.

I know what you're thinking: "Wait a minute, I just paid $3500+ for a solar system." "No, I require new appliances," you say.

The majority of the time, the answer is no. You're operating a 15-year-old fridge and a 30-year-old hot water unit if you're going to spend that much on lowering your electricity bill. It may perhaps be time to replace them.

Air Conditioner

Trying to run an air conditioner on solar energy is like swimming in lead boots. At some time, you will be submerged in water. You're going to have problems because your system only generates 5kw during peak hours and the air conditioner needs that much each hour.

Use cautiously and just at peak seasons, in my opinion. The advantage of having an air conditioner is that you only need it on hot days when the sun is high in the sky, so your system will already be working at maximum capacity.

You'll be OK if you use it minimally at night.

How Grid-Tied Solar Systems Works?

The direction of energy transfers between the home and the grid is impacted by time of day and by season.

The amount of sunshine that strikes the panels varies with the seasons. Weather fluctuations also affect the amount of power used for cooling and heating, which are the two largest consumers of domestic energy.

Because of changes in sunshine availability and weather, the volume of imports and exports from a grid-tied solar system varies substantially by season.

Let's see how this works in a normal household over the year:


Homes with on-grid systems export more electricity than they import during the summer when the days are long and the sun is abundant. The majority of utilities allow customers to save these credits for later usage.

Spring and Fall

Mild weather causes lower energy consumption since most households don't need to be heated or cooled as much. Grid-connected solar systems also produce enough amounts of power at this time of year, so electricity imports and exports are often balanced.


Winter is the off-peak time of year in terms of solar power. It is usually snowy and very cold, meaning that it's difficult to get out much. Your system will need more power to be imported rather than exported.


As the country's power rates get more expensive, more and more people are using renewable energy sources to lessen the heavy burden of high electricity costs.

Forme Solar is one of the country’s leading solar panel installers, providing high-quality services and products that harness solar power to provide dependable energy sources and lower costs to every American home.

We want to help you save money and the environment by using sustainable energy. Learn more at info@formesolar.com or call us at 1-714-694-2262.