enphase iq7 microinverter


Best Solar Performance Tracking in San Diego

Track the performance of your solar energy system to ensure that it is running as intended. All of our solar panel installations come with FREE solar monitoring. Get access to:

  • Real-Time Tracking
  • Cloud-Based, Access it Anywhere
  • Monitor System
  • System Performance
  • Per-Panel Level Tracking
  • Health Tracking and More!

Call Forme Solar today at 714-694-2262 or request a fast quote.

The Best Solar Panel Monitoring System in SD

panel level performance tracking
solar enphase monitoring solar energy system

Real-Time Data

Solar can save up to 75% on your business utility costs. Lower operating costs and free up capital for other business investments.

Panel Level Tracking

Reduce your electric consumption with the utility company through a solar purchase or lock-in low electricity rates

Monitor System Health

Your business needs energy to run, we can design a solution to include energy storage batteries to ensure your business doesn't stop running.


By encouraging energy efficient buildings we can promote healthier, more productive places that reduce stress on the environment.

Steps to Start Tracking Solar System Performance

worker adding removing solar panel rooftop roof house

Step 1: Solar Panel and Inverter Installation

Forme Solar ensures that your solar energy system is built correctly and safely.

solar panel electrical panel inspection

Step 2: Forme Sets Up System Configuration

Forme Solar turns the system on and configures your solar monitoring platform, MyEnlighten.

women checking text financing

Step 3: Start Tracking System Health

Get access to start tracking in real-time, in depth views of your system's production and energy consumption.


Learn more about how you can track your solar energy system's performance for FREE!


Best Solar Company


Solar Monitoring is FREE with Any Package

Straight-Forward Pricing to Start. System Monitoring to Maintain.

social proof orme

Value Package


Solar Monitoring Included

All-Rounder Package


Solar Monitoring Included

Premium Package


Solar Monitoring Included