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How does solar energy work? Does it save money?

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Nowadays, solar panels are everywhere you look as more people have begun using solar as their primary source of energy. Have you ever wondered how solar panels turn sunlight into electricity? And, how does a solar photovoltaic (PV) system perform on a cloudy day?

Solar energy, technically referred to as solar photovoltaics simply works by converting sunlight into electricity. At a basic level, solar panels use photons (sunlight) to separate electrons from atoms, and the byproduct of this process is electricity. The electricity created is called solar energy.

The photovoltaic cells that make up a solar panel consist of silicon atoms that lose an electron when sunlight the surface.

silicon atom
A silicon atom with 4 electrons in the outermost shell (Image Source: Wikipedia)

As explained earlier, sunlight consists of very small particles called “photons” that are capable of hitting electrons off the silicon atoms from the photovoltaic cells embedded in all solar panels. These electrons make up direct current (DC) electricity that flows out from a solar PV system. As most of our household appliances are functioning on an alternating current (AC), we need to have an inverter that will convert electric current from DC to AC. This is another important element of the system.

As explained earlier, sunlight consists of very small particles called “photons” that are capable of hitting electrons off the silicon atoms from the photovoltaic cells embedded in all solar panels. These electrons make up direct current (DC) electricity that flows out from a solar PV system. As most of our household appliances are functioning on an alternating current (AC), we need to have an inverter that will convert electric current from DC to AC. This is another important element of the system.

What is an Inverter?

how does solar work solar inverter

A solar inverter is very essential in a solar system. It takes the DC formed by the electrons and converts it into AC, which is then routed to the main power supply of your house/establishment.

Leftover Electricity Goes Back to the Grid

Using the traditional power grid when you have a solar energy system has advantages. It enables you to use as much electricity as you need from your solar PV system before sending any excess power back to your utility company to use. Solar panels produce electricity when the sun is up, but we also use electricity at night, when we are not producing solar power. That is why it is essential to stay connected to your utilities even if you have a battery storage system installed.

Do Solar Panels works on Cloudy and Rainy days?

Solar panels work perfectly fine during cloudy or rainy days. Though they are most effective during sunny days because of the direct sunlight that comes from the sun, solar panels can still generate power during rainy or cloudy days since it is powered by light and not by heat. Thanks to today’s technology, they work very efficiently and effectively as long as they are not completely obstructed.

Pro Tip: Read additional Solar FAQs here

Advantages of Using Solar Energy

  • Reduces Electricity Bill

This is one of the most obvious returns that everyone will enjoy when choosing solar energy. As utility rates continue to climb each year, solar power can eliminate or reduce your electricity bill significantly.

  • No Recurring Maintenance Cost

Year after year, solar panels just stay on your roof and do their job. Due to major advances in manufacturing and design, panels can last over 30 years and are therefore a very stable investment with little to no maintenance required

  • Renewable Source of Energy

As long as the sun continues to shine, our planet will always have a clean reliable source of solar energy. Since sunlight is available all over the world, solar energy systems are ideal for global use. It is estimated that there are at least another 5 billion years of life left before our sun goes dark.

  • Saving Ecosystems and Livelihoods

Unlike fossil fuel-based energy, solar energy is pollution-free and creates no waste or emissions. It also creates thousands of jobs as more solar panel manufacturers, installers, and sales organizations expand operations.

Are you looking for way to save on your electricity bill? Worry no more, Forme Solar offers a great opportunity for long-term savings on your electricity using solar energy. Experience renewable energy sources and reduce your energy cost. Don’t hesitate to give us call at 1-877-288-1097 or contact us online today!