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Oceanside Can Benefit From Solar Power Energy

The amount of electricity solar can generate is based on the total amount of sunlight hours. In places with high electricity costs like Oceanside, solar panels can produce enough electricity to substantially reduce your electricity costs. Oceanside has over 250 days of sun per year. That means your solar panels will generate electricity 250 days per year. Considering the sunny weather and continuous rising electricity costs from SDG&E (San Diego Gas and Electricity), installing solar panels on your home will help you save a tremendous amount of money.

Forme Solar is now installing solar panels in Oceanside, San Diego, Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, Escondido, El Cajon, La Mesa, and surrounding areas. Which means that you can now enjoy years of clean and renewable energy. And by having an in-house service technicians and experts in solar and electrical systems, we will provide you a solar panel installation that is guaranteed to last for years.

Rising San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Costs in Oceanside

Over the last few years, residents in Oceanside have seen a steadily increasing cost of electricity from SDG&E. Electricity usage had been classified into 4 tiers --- each priced significantly higher than the one preceding it, but at the beginning of 2016, this was constricted to a 3-tier system. And in 2017, the system has constricted down to 2 tiers, plus a “super user” surcharge that will be added for anything used over tier 2. As of 2019, SDG&E's Tier 3 the 'Super User' Surcharge is > 400% of baseline. For SDG&E customers who reach Tier 3, it can have a significant impact on your electric bill.

If you are thinking about adding solar panels to your home in Oceanside, the financial benefit is there. With the consistently increasing electricity prices that have more than doubled in the last 10 years, going solar will help lock-in your current energy costs while providing you a savings.

Average Electricity Usage for a Household in California
ca average electricity usage

Data Source: Pacific Gas and Electric, Usage Reports, 2018; San Diego Gas and Electric, Energy Data Worksheets, 2018; Southern California Edison, Quarterly Customer Data Reports, 2018

San Diego's average annual electricity consumption per household decreased from 2017 to 2018. This could be a reflection of the higher cost of electricity that you've been experiencing due to the change in the tier based pricing.

Have you recently felt that your SDG&E bill keeps going up regardless of how conscious you are of how much electricity you use? By installing solar panels, you can negate the increasing cost of electricity and see a 30-50% savings on your electricity costs immediately.

Installing Solar Panels is a Great Choice for Oceanside, SD

California offers different tax credits and incentives to make it easier for homeowners like you to go solar, and Oceanside is one of the best cities in California for installing solar. If you want to know what exactly the state is doing, speak with your Forme Solar rep. We have helped other Oceanside residents experience the benefits of solar panels at an affordable price, and we would be happy to help you as well. There has never been a better time to for a homeowner in San Diego to go solar than now. With the cost of electricity from SDG&E going up by an average of over 4% year-over-year for the last 10 years, going solar has never made more sense.

Oceanside is is a leader in solar energy adoption. The support for solar solutions to help reduce carbon emissions from both state and local levels are rising, so you can trust that San Diego is a great city for installing solar panels on your roof.

How to Go Solar in Oceanside, San Diego

Whether you own your residential property or you run a specific business, there are a lot of benefits you could get from installing solar panels on your roof in San Diego. Regardless if you decide to install solar panels through either a lease or purchase, you can rest easy going with Forme Solar. We will give you the most dependable solar panel solution that would fit in your budget and energy needs to assure that you get the most solar advantages possible. Also, with California's Net Energy Metering (NEM) billing plan, you will receive bill credits for the excess energy you generate. Giving you more control over your home's electricity and the price you pay for it.

" If you want to save money on your monthly energy bills, going solar is the best way to do that. Imagine if SDG&E offered a 30% discount for 20 years, would you take it?"

Leanne Kim, CEO of Forme Solar

Stop the Increasing SDG&E Electricity Costs

One of the best benefits of installing solar panels on your roof in San Diego is the significant amount of savings homeowners in San Diego see on their SDG&E electricity bills. Imagine if SDG&E offered you a 20 year 30% discount on your electric bill, would you take it? If you want to save money on your monthly energy bills, going solar is the best way to do that. Regardless of how small or big the solar panel system you have, after installing solar panels on your rooftop, you will see savings on the cost of your electricity bill.

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Income Generation - Make Money with Solar

Installing solar panels in San Diego offers specific energy incentives designed to encourage lots of homeowners in the place of adopting the system. If you qualify for those incentives, the local utility companies will pay you off for the clean energy generated by the solar panel. This will either be through credits or direct cash.

solar revenue generation money pocket green coins

Increase the Resale Value of your Home

In September 2019, the median listing price of a home in San Diego is $699,877, but the median sale price is $602,400. Studies have shown that by installing solar panels, homes saw an increase of 3.74% of the average sale price. For homes with solar, their median sale price in San Diego would increase from $602,400 to $624,920, an increase of $22,520! Wouldn't you pay more for a home that came with less operating costs?

solar improves home equity dollar sunshine hill
Sell Your Home Faster with Solar Panels

By installing solar panels, you can guarantee not only to save electricity but also save the environment from harm. As solar panels use renewable energy that comes from the sun, you can assure that it will not pollute the environment but rather give you a cleaner and healthier environment for you and your family. This also decreases greenhouse gas emissions, that are the main reason for global warming, climate change, and weather changes.

Globe with plant growing Green globle

What if my solar system generates more electricity than my home consumes?

homes with solar panels connecting to meter grid

For homes in Oceanside, if your solar panel system is designed, sized, and installed properly, your solar energy system should generate more power than your home consumes. When you install a solar energy system on your home, SDG&E will carry over the excess energy credits to offset future bills. Your billing cycle will go from 1-month to a 12-month billing cycle, to take under consideration the yearly sunlight exposure of your solar panel system. If there is a credit after a 12-month billing cycle, SDG&E customers can choose to be credited with a check or receive a bill credit. If you choose to receive a check, each remaining kWh of annual unused energy will be valued at an ACC rate around $.0442/kWh in payment.

Protecting San Diego Against Power Outages

Battery Storage Can Provide Security from Power Outages

Even though you have a solar energy system, you won't be protected from power outages in the event SDG&E can't provide energy to your home. This is because your power will also be interrupted for the safety of the repair crews who may be working on the power outage. With a battery backup solution, homeowners can gain protection from blackouts, and gain independence from the grid.

Homeowners in Oceanside, looking to protect themselves against outages and blackouts, should consider a solar energy system with a battery backup solution.

Customized Roofing for Solar Installs in Oceanside

Roofing and Solar Installation Services near Oceanside

Solar panels are made to last for years, but the roof that your panels are placed on may not be. It is essential to make sure that your roof is ready for solar to ensure that your roof is both structurally sound enough, but also will last long enough so that you don't have to add unnecessary cost with a solar panel removal and reinstall.

Forme Solar will ensure that your roof is structurally sound enough to support your solar panels for a minimum of 7 years. Whether you're looking for a new solar panel system or a new roof, we only use and partner with the best companies to ensure your home has the exceptional quality service and material it requires to last for years! From Tesla Powerwalls to Owens Corning roofing shingles, insulation, and composite materials, Forme Solar stands by their roofing service and materials by offering our own 5 roof-penetration warranty.

Ensure your roof is custom-built or repaired for installing a solar panel system in a way that maximizes your savings.

Reduce Your Solar Panel Installation Cost

Currently Available Solar Incentives for Oceanside Homes

Buy Solar and Take Advantage of a 30% Investment Tax Credit

itc federal solar tax credit commercial

The ITC (Investment Tax Credit), perhaps more commonly know as the Federal Solar Tax Credit is a credit equal to 30% of the total qualified system costs of installing a solar power system and starting in 2020, this tax credit will drop to 26%. 2020, marks the first decline in the Federal Solar Tax Credit, and the credit percentage will continue to fall until 2022, at which point the Federal Solar Tax Credit will expire for Oceanside homeowners.

The total amount that you should expect from the Federal Solar Tax Credit can be calculated relatively easily. The tax credit amount is calculated by taking twenty-six (26) percent of the solar system installation cost. For instance, if your solar energy system costs $20,000 and is installed in 2019, your tax credit would be $20,000 x 26%= $5,200. 

Even if you don't have enough tax liability to claim the full amount in a single year, you have up to three years to claim the total amount of the tax liability. You have to keep in mind that the federal solar tax credit is nonrefundable and is only possible for the owner of the system. Therefore, homeowners that have a solar energy system through a Solar Lease or Power Purchase Agreement are not eligible for the Federal Solar Tax Credit.

Financing Solar Panel Installation Costs in Oceanside

Even with the solar tax credit, one of the biggest obstacles for most homeowners is how they are going to pay for it. As the cost of solar panel manufacturing has dropped, financing accessibility and options have dramatically increased as well. In California, the vast majority of qualified homeowners going solar, never paying upfront to have solar installed. Therefore, it is critical to understand how different financing options from cash, financing, to a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) can factor into the overall price and features of your solar energy system.

Let's Improve San Diego Together!

"Our mission is to educate individuals about the benefits of residential and commercial solar energy systems and significantly increase the speed of solar and battery adoption."

Leanne Kim (CEO of Forme Solar)

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Forme Solar Proudly Servicing San Diego!

As we helped our customers in Oceanside go green, we found that they loved being social about their experiences and savings. We found that there is no better way to promote the adoption of solar energy than by having your neighbors who have gone solar, socialize their experiences. Wouldn't you rather have a conversation with your neighbor who has gone through the solar installation experience in Oceanside than with a solar sales rep? So we started connecting homeowners with a neighborhood Social Solar Consultant who acts as a homeowner's guide to going solar. Give us a call, and we will connect you with your personalized Oceanside Social Solar Consultant. Maximize your options and savings when you go with Forme Solar.

Forme Solar delivers exceptional service to customers and ensure our solar panel installations and service are top-of-the-line. With excellence being the passing grade, we ensure that we produce a great experience for all of our customers in Oceanside, Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, Escondido, El Cajon, La Mesa, Poway, Encinitas, Del Mark and surrounding areas who go solar.